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Building Information Certificate (BIC) application checklist

A comprehensive and accurate Building Information Certificate (BIC) application should include the following documents and details.

Note: Obtaining approval for a Building Information Certificate (BIC) is not a guaranteed outcome, due to issues regarding (a) retrospective compliance; (b) missing documentation; (c) concerns with safety/environmental effects; (d) existing objections from local community/neighbours; (e) higher standards; (f) adherence with BCA standards; (g) council discretion.

What do I need for a BIC application?

1. Planning Assessment Report

  • A detailed Planning Assessment Report addressing compliance with local planning controls, environmental considerations, and the specific requirements of the unauthorised works.

2. Property Survey

  • A survey report of the entire property, prepared by a registered surveyor, showing all structures, boundaries, and any easements.

Site Survey NSW

3. Photographic Evidence

  • Clear photographs of the structure in its current state.

  • If available, construction stage photographs documenting critical stages of the structure's installation, such as:

    • Steel reinforcement before concrete pour.

    • Drainage installation before trench backfilling.

    • Frame construction.

    • Wet area waterproofing.

    • Stormwater connections to street gutters or easements.

4. Dimensioned Drawings

  • Detailed drawings including:

    • Site Plan: Showing the structure's location in relation to boundaries, other structures on the site, and ground levels.

    • Elevations: Indicating finished height relative to ground levels, materials, and finishes.

    • Section View Plan: Demonstrating the internal composition of the structure, such as slab/footings reinforcement, wall build-up details, and roof construction.

  • All drawings must:

    • Be drawn to scale by a qualified professional.

    • Include a title block with:

      • Plan title and sheet number.

      • Unique job reference number.

      • Revision number with a schedule of changes.

      • Property address.

      • Name of the preparer.

      • Scale used, north point, and print size of the sheet.

5. Structural Adequacy Certificate

  • A certificate from a suitably qualified structural engineer certifying that the structure meets relevant safety and stability standards.

6. Sydney Water Approval

  • Stamped plans showing approval by Sydney Water where required, particularly for drainage and stormwater systems.

7. Installer Certificates

  • Relevant installer certificates verifying the quality and compliance of installation work.

8. Work-as-Executed Drainage Plan

  • A drainage plan certified by a licensed plumber, including:

    • Compliance with AS/NZ 3500 standards.

    • Verification that overflow systems connect to:

      • Street gutters.

      • Easements.

      • Absorption pits (if applicable).

    • For absorption pits, hydraulic adequacy verification by an engineer with relevant design experience.

9. Owner’s Consent

  • A completed BIC application form with owner’s consent.

    • For properties with multiple owners, consent from the surviving owner(s) is acceptable if one owner is deceased.

10. BCA Report

This checklist provides a comprehensive guide to ensuring that your BIC application addresses all necessary regulatory, safety, and planning requirements for approval.


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